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Astronomical Tour

Private tour

Astronomical Tour

Let’s discover the wonderful celestial vault of the southern hemisphere.
His speech posed, a laser pointer in hand, our English guide, a qualified astronomer, will keep you in suspense for two hours.
He will tell you about the Southern Star, Jupiter, Bételgeuse, the grand and the small Cloud of Magellan, the jewelry box, the Orion belt, the Tarentule and many others …
You can see the stars more closely using powerful telescopes.
At the end of the session, it will suit you at the Buffet table to savor a subtle cocktail.

Return to San Pedro.
Private transport hotel – hotel

Schedule :
1st session: 9:00 pm – 11:30 pm
2nd session : 11h30 pm – 01:00 am

Certified astronomer
Photo with starry sky in background
End-of-session cocktail included
Refund in case of bad weather
Plan a hot jacket!

Personalized quotation on request. Contact us

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