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Guachipas : a very special moment !

A 5-star story !



On the menu, a visit to two farms:

The first dedicated to tobacco in the fertile Lerma Valley.

The second, dedicated to XXL-size cattle breeding, south of Guachipas.

Personalized quotation on request. Contact us


Day 1.

Morning :

Departure by private vehicle from your hotel in Salta, heading for Marisa and Rodrigo’s finca.

Rodrigo will have the pleasure of reconciling you with tobacco, explaining life in the fields from sowing to cutting, harvesting, drying, sorting and baling.

Ready for processing in Buenos Aires, they’ll be on display in the living rooms in the form of precious, fragrant cigars.

Marisa, his mother, will then welcome you with elegance and a smile in her beautiful home to offer you a refined snack with succulent Argentine sweet specialties of which she has the secret.

Afternoon :

Once we’ve had our refreshments and said goodbye to our hosts, we’ll head for Guachipas, a village with a turbulent history that Luis himself will tell you all about.

Now we’re off to “Las Juntas” !

Luis Diez is the owner of the Finca Las Juntas we’re about to visit.

Welcome to Luis, Ines and Marie Ines, we’re staying at “La Matilde”.

But what is Las Juntas?

5,000 hectares, 1,200 head of cattle, 8 “peones” (gauchos) and their families, house staff and 4 dogs.

Live a moment of your life in the company of the people of the land, in all simplicity, without fuss, watching over the good health of the animals with them, learning to use the lasso to round them up, care for them, mark them too, accompany them with their keepers and border collies into the pampas at an altitude of 2,000 m, where they graze in total freedom.

In the evening, gather around the fire for an aperitif, then sit down to dinner on the terrace and enjoy a convivial moment with the owners over an asado (berbecue), a secret of theirs.

And finally, enjoy the night’s sleep in adobe comfort.

Day 2.

The next day, after a hearty breakfast, we’re invited for a walk in the hills to discover medicinal plants, learn how our ancestors dug into the rock to collect rainwater, and meet some unusual people along the way.

In the afternoon, we follow the trail to the Guachipas caves, where we discover the rock paintings, the story of which is told to you by our English-speaking guide.

At the end of the day, it’s time to take the cliff path, as you won’t want to miss your rendezvous with the majestic condors !

This is the end of a wonderful human adventure, a slice of life, history, culture, emotions and sensations in the intimacy of Argentine territory.

NB : if February 2 is a milestone in your stay, you’ll be invited to the “Las Juntas” patron saint’s day.

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